
In order to focus on publishing her Final Girl series, Tylor Paige has chosen to not do any signings in 2024, other than her local PRIDE Festival, which is:

June 29th, 2024
12:00 noon
Three Rivers, MI 49093

However, Tylor has already booked a table at ‘Getting Witchy in New Orleans’ for June 29th, 2025. So come see her then!

If you’d like to book Tylor Paige for a speaking engagement, please reach out via email, which is, Her rates are $50 to speak, and any food, lodging, or travel costs. Topics she will speak on:

Let’s Brandstorm!- A workshop on how to get your author brand started.
Many Hats- You can’t just write a good book. How to stand out in a flooded market.